Archive for March, 2012


Tiger Bites: Vol.1 (The Shins, Miniature Tigers, Guards)

guardsYep. It’s official, I’m bringing Tiger Bites back from the dead and posting them on my site every Friday so you crazy kids have something cool to zone out to before the weekend.

And all you lazy basterds have to do is hit the site on a Friday to hear some sick new music every week and then brag to your friends about how rad you are.

This week I’m posting The Shins playing their new track on Letterman, a video from Miniature Tigers featuring large-breasted female doctors, Lana Del Ray’s new video for “Blue Jeans” which isn’t shit (isn’t great either) and a fucking KILLER track by a band called Guards that I know you’ll dig.







Awesome, ne?

Have a killer weekend party mense. See ya’ll on the flipside.



Nokia Lumia 800 Two Weeks In

nokia-lumia-800-2Friday will have been exactly two weeks since the Nokia Lumia 800 got dropped off for your Tiger pal to review so I’ve had some time to get to know my little cyan buddy more intimately.

Though I have encountered one or two frustrations over the last two weeks, they are far outweighed by the slickness of the Windows 7 OS and the great features the Lumia 800 is packing.

This week I’ll be tackling Twitter and Facebook, having a look at some more of the nifty “live tiles”, checking out the 8MP Carl Zeiss camera and reviewing the battery life.

The “Me” Live Tile

In my last review I spoke about the “People” live tile and how it pulls every person you’ve ever followed / emailed / saved as a contact and puts all their details in one convenient list.

Today we’re checking out the “Me” tile, which gives you instant access to your profile, notifications and live feed.



From this tile you can quickly type a message and post it to Windows Live, Facebook and Twitter. It’s the quickest way to post to your social networks I’ve ever encountered on a smartphone, but the downside is you can’t post pics.

The “Me” tile also allows you to check in and set your chat status across all your social networks.

The sickest thing about this tile is the way it aggregates every mention you get across Twitter and Facebook and lists them all on the “Notifications” screen so you can see a summarised version of all the ous who’ve been chirping you by literally touching the “Me” tile and swiping right.

Another swipe to the right and you get the “What’s New” screen – an expanded version of the “Notifications” screen that also includes all your tweets and Facebook posts.



What’s interesting to note is that you don’t get your full feed from Twitter or Facebook unless you download a Twitter or FB app, which brings me neatly to…

Twitter and Facebook

If you want the full functionality of Twitter and FB on your Windows 7 phone, you have to hit the Windows Phone Marketplace and download them.

I downloaded the free Windows 7 apps for Facebook and Twitter, both of which give you full functionality across both platforms and, provided your 3G connection is solid, update almost instantly.

The experience of using both Twitter and Facebook on the new Windows 7 phones is the best by miles I’ve encountered on a Nokia phone. All operations and menu functions / navigation is kept lean and mean and makes for an enjoyable user experience.


The 8MP camera the Lumia 800 comes packing does the job, but I must say after using the Nokia N8 for the last two years, I’ve gotten used to the picture quality of the 12MP camera that bad boy comes with which, whilst making the phone very bulky, takes phenomenal pics.

But like I said, the 8MP camera does the job. Just be sure to keep dead still when taking pics or they have a tendency to blur quite badly. The camera also struggles a little in bad lighting conditions, but that’s pretty standard for an 8MP cell phone camera.



The best part of the camera and taking pics is the “Pictures” live tile, which takes sharing and posting pics to a whole other level.

Once you’ve snapped a winning shot, it gets added to your “Camera Roll” where, by simply touching the pic and then touching the three dots in the bottom right corner, you can instantly share the pic via SMS, Hotmail, GMail, Facebook, Twitter and one of the coolest features the new Windows 7 phones have, the SKYDRIVE.

The Skydrive is like your own private portable hard drive that lives in space. I’ll be putting it through it’s paces in my next post, but the idea is that you can access your Skydrive from anywhere and save anything on it, including all your contacts.



What I also loved about the “Pictures” Live Tile on the Lumia 800 is the way that you can see your friends albums by going to “People” and adding your contacts.

The phone then pulls all their most recent photo galleries from Facebook and Twitter so you can instantly see what they’ve been doing with their bad selves. Too awesome.

Lastly, the Lumia 800 also aggregates all the pics your contacts post on Twitter and Facebook and puts all tweets / posts in one convenient list for you to quickly browse through. All of these pics can be tagged and saved to your phone so you can share them with your contacts or post to your social networks.

Battery Life

There has to be a catch somewhere right? Yeah, sadly there is.

With moderate use, you can squeeze 1 day out of the Lumia 800 before the battery bites the dust. This could be because I’ve installed Whatsapp on the phone, which is a notorious battery killer but still, I would have hoped to get a little more juice out of the phone, especially considering it’s brand new.



Of course there is the option to run the phone on “Battery Saver” mode, which I haven’t tried yet, but which will probably extend the battery life by half a day or so.

It’s a small price to pay for a phone that basically combines and gives you quick and easy access to your entire online life though, so though it’s a gripe it’s nothing a little bit of forward planning / carrying a charger with you can’t fix.

Just don’t get hammered and leave the charger in a hotel room after your mate’s wedding in Durban. FFFFFFFFF…

Tune in for my next instalment on the Lumia 800 where I’ll be tackling web browsing, using the Skydrive and Microsoft Office amongst other things.

One last thing worth mentioning before I sign out though is the fact that nearly every time I’ve used the phone, the people around me have asked me what phone it is and watched me using it with interest.

There is a general buzz about Nokia’s new Windows 7 phones that is palpable. Is this the phone that will give Nokia the much needed market share they’ve been fighting for in the smartphone arena?

Only time. Will tell Winking smile



Treefiddy Review: Mark Lanegan – Blues Funeral

Layout 1The Down Lizzo:

Over the course of his 27 year career, Mark Lanegan has played with everyone from Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley (Alice In Chains) to PJ Harvey and Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age).

He cut his teeth in The Screaming Trees in the late 80s and 90s and then went on to start an on-again, off-again solo career as The Mark Lanegan Band.

Seven solo albums later, the self professed “shadow king” is back with Blues Funeral – a potent mix of 80s synth-laden robot rock and growling whisky-soaked blues laced with a funeral dirge sentiment that haunts and enthrals at every turn.

Sick Tracks:

Blues Funeral swings between rumbling, psychedelic anthems like the pile-driving opener “The Gravedigger’s Song”, the relentless, Zepplinesque “Riot In My House” (on which Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme shreds throughout) and my personal favourite, the stoner rock classic “Quiver Syndrome” to quieter, more introspective tracks like “Bleeding Muddy Water” and “Deep Black Vanishing Train”.

The battle-weary resignation of a life spent plunging the shadows of the human experience only to emerge with a handful of shaky half-truths smoulders in the gravel-pit tone of Lanegan’s most powerful asset, his sand-paper baritone.



Without it, Blues Funeral is an interesting melting pot of a number of different influences and genres, but nothing that would warrant a second or third listen.

With it, and the bold synth-pop experimentation Lanegan indulges on tracks like “Gray Goes Black” and “Ode To Sad Disco”, there is more than enough to keep you coming back for more.

Should You Give A Shit:

Look, the album’s called Blues Funeral so don’t go anywhere near it expecting an easy-listening, foot-tapping, head-bopping album of accessible radio-friendly rock tunes.

But come with an open mind and a taste for the darker things and I can almost guarantee Blues Funeral will give you something to sink your fangs into.

Give “Quiver Syndrome” a listen and see how it grabs you:



Final Verdict: 7/10



Dope “Jeff WHo Lives At Home” Remix

Jeff-Who-Lives-At-HomeIt’s kinda hit and miss when it comes to Jason Segel. I thought he was pretty damn hilarious in Knocked Up and Forgetting Sarah Marshall but for some reason every time I see him in How I Met Your Mother I want to punch him in the mouth.

Actually, that pretty much goes for the entire cast come to think of it…

Anyway, Segel stars in a new movie called Jeff Who Lives At Home about a slacker living in his mom’s basement who “might discover his destiny when he spends the day with his brother as he tracks his possibly adulterous wife.”

No idea whether or not this has hit local theatres yet. I do remember seeing a trailer for it that made me wish I could have those 180 seconds back, but regardless of whether the movie is shit or not, Flula’s techno remix of the interview he did with the cast is awesome.



Did you like that?

That’s good.

As you read this, I’ll be in Durban getting ready to MC a good buddy’s wedding so spare a thought for your Tiger pal, loaded to the gills on herbal tranqs and elbows-deep in a hipflask of whisky.

Good times I tell ya!

Good times Winking smile



Kony 2012 Filmmaker Loses His Damn Mind

russelSo it’s old news by now but in case you missed it, Jason Russell (creator of the “Kony 2012” viral video) had a bit of a whoospie last week Thursday and decided to lose his damn mind.

There are a couple of different versions of what went down, the worst of which say he got white-girl wasted, stripped naked and ran through the streets shouting and masturbating at the cars.

Less graphic versions claim he was just suffering from over-exhaustion and didn’t engage in public fappery, but almost all the reports I’ve read agree he was naked and had clearly gone shit-your-pants-mad.

I’ll admit that finding out about this startling development in the Kony 2012 saga left me feeling like a bit of a jerk for posting all those Kony 2012 memes last week.



It was probably smarmy, cynical douchebags like me who drove the poor guy crazy. But then again, what the hell was he expecting to happen?!

When you shoot and publicise a video as deeply manipulative and emotionally provocative as “Kony 2012” and use social media to market it to hordes of white-guilt ridden liberals with a call to action that they can fulfil by simply clicking “share”, of COURSE it’s going to explode on the interwebs!

You’d have to be either supremely naive or just plain stupid to not expect “Kony 2012” to get the attention that it did. Don’t put that shit out there if you can’t handle the backlash it’s going to create.

Here’s the video of the person who is allegedly Jason Russell losing his shit in the street:



How the mighty have fallen…

Stay tuned for the next exciting development in the “Kony 2012” saga.

I predict porn tapes and midget orgies.

Good times Winking smile



New Music From Your Tiger Pal

1c467365-e8cf-4619-a8ec-71720523351eI used to write this weekly feature on called “Tiger Bites” that got some decent traffic.

It was a weekly round-up of everything going on in the music world. I used to bust my balls to find to best content from the music sites I trawl and then mix it all into one post. It melted faces.

So here’s something in a similar vein. This week it’s new tracks from the Blood Red Shoes, Temper Trap, Garbage (yes they’re dropping a new album and yes, the single is SICK) and The Shoes with their video for “Time To Dance” featuring Jake Gyllenhaal.

Dig it.





Fair warning before you play this next one. It’s fucking badass, got my hands on it courtesy of my man Nick Bouwer. Check his site out for more good shit.



Have a killer weekend party people! See y’all on the other side Winking smile



BUFF CHARNAS Unite For SA’s First Lumberjack Festival

sexy-male-lumberjackHere on SlickTiger we’ve been known to celebrate some BUFF CHARNAS from time to time.

Ous like PAUL MAIN MAN, who is kak at installing ASDL lines in your office, but great at spading the BELTERS who work there and ANTON TAYLOR, who is a LEGENDARY OKE and also the International Man Of Movember.

But there’s a group of okes who doesn’t feature on this site. A group of okes so BUFF they can saw trees down with their BARE HANDS! Charnas who don’t shave! They just knock the stubble back through their cheeks with a hammer, pull the beard hair out with their teeth and then spit it on the GROUND!

That’s right! I’m talking about the MASSIVE AND RIPPED FEARLESS OKES who risk their lives EVERY DAY to make LAUGH IT OFF T-SHIRTS!



You think just a ordinary oke can make T-Shirts like that?! Kak man! You gotta be flippin OFF THE CHAIN BUFF to come up with the shirts those okes do and even BUFFER to survive the court cases that kak okes try and sue you with when you upset there brands.

So you better believe when MONSTER OKES like them get together and make a festival, it’s not just gonna be any ordinary kak thing.

Are you sitting down for what I’m gonna tell you? Hey?! Don’t be a chophead, SIDDOWN MAN!

That’s better. Now. What I was saying again? Oh ja…

On the Saturday the 14th April and the Sunday the 15th April you better not have any plans cause for the first time in South Africa EVER, Laugh It Off and STIHL are going to do a LUMBERJACK FESTIVAL at LIEVLAND wine farm (by Stellies) that’s gonna make you KAK YOUR PANTS!



It’s gonna be everything from fun runs to live music and the BEST PART is the LUMBER GAMES.

There’s gonna be flippin TREE CLIMBING, flippin Stock Saw, flippin’ JACK AND JILL CROSSCUT SAW, flippin LOG HURLING and even flippin AXE THROWING!

You can klap a GIANT TREE SWING, a MONSTER WATER SLIDE, a PEDAL BOAT RACING and the buffest of them all, TREE PLANTING! Because, you know, nature is dying of carbon gasses and needs our help and stuff…

Don’t be a doos and not go to this festival because you’re scared of getting a little flippin splinter or a axe thrown in your head or something.

Put your flippin FLANEGAN shirt on, grow some flippin BALLS and go have a jol.

Every oke who I don’t see there is gonna catch a KLAP from the Tiger, so you’ve been warned! and bring some BELTERS. BELTERS love okes who cut down trees and shit.

Check the invite:




See you TUFF OUS there!



Bushmills Whiskey-barrel Sunglasses

bodega-shwood-the-bushmills-sunglasses-01I love Bushmills Irish Whiskey. I can openly say that now without any fear of backlash or recrimination in any way because I don’t work on the brand anymore.

But I used to. And during that time I fell in love with that whiskey. It’s just such a cool and totally underrated brand with one of the most badass stories to tell.

How many other whiskies out there can say they licensed their distillery over FOUR HUNDRED years ago? Bushmills is the staple when it comes to authentic, iconic Irish Whiskey. And now they’re taking their street cred to a whole other level, the badasses.



Wow. Wow, wow, wow. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a pair of sunglasses so badly in my entire life. See the way he threw a dram of whisky in the wood polish? That’s 100% legit.

Even cooler is when you buy then they get delivered in that wooden case with a mini crowbar to open it up with.

I want those beautiful, whisky-soaked sunnies on my face. God life would be awesome if I could get my filthy mitts on those sunnies…



Mark my words, I will track those sunnies down. I’m dead serious. I want to drink Bushmills with those bad boys on my face and listen to The Pack A.D.

Wait, what’s that? You don’t know who The Pack A.D. are?

Siddown buddy. Take a load off and soak this shit up, courtesy of my good buddie Van Barman.



Are we on the same page here?

Atta boy Winking smile



The Tiger Makes Kony Famous. Saves Uganda.

tumblr_m0gxfrnjth1qc4qico1_400God I hate bandwagons. Even the word is fucking stupid. What does it even mean? A wagon bands cruise around in? Since fucking when?! And who the fuck would want to jump on one of those?

Anyway. Regardless of what the origin of the term is, EVERYONE is talking about the Kony 2012 video so I figured I would too because site hits are like crack and daddy needs a fix.

The underlying message from the YouTube video about Kony is “make the evil fucker famous so that we can kill him”, but if you’re dumb enough to believe that’s the only thing motivating Invisible Children, then stop reading this now.

I’m not going to go into a detailed breakdown of the counter-Kony 2012 arguments doing the rounds on the interwebs at the moment because I know you guys are smart and either know this already or can look it up later, so here’s my take on it all:

  • Yes, Kony is a supremely evil person and deserves to die for what he’s done
  • Yes, it’s a good thing that now the world is aware of what happened (PAST tense) in Uganda and it’s a good thing that people are uniting across borders for a common cause
  • But the fact is, Kony hasn’t been active in Uganda since 2006 and he and his troops no longer occupy the country and are rumoured to have moved to the DRC
  • So why campaign to send more American troops into Uganda so long after Kony’s reign of merciless slaughter and brainwashing has ended?
  • Oil. Plain and simple. America needs an excuse to get troops in there so they can get their filthy mitts on Uganda’s oil supplies and what better smokescreen than Kony 2012? It’s the Facebook version of 9/11 all sugar-coated and easy to swallow
  • Also, only 32% of the profits from Invisible Children go to Uganda. The rest goes into funding more movies and paying everyone working for the organisation’s salaries
  • And let’s not forget the powerfully manipulative narrative that underpins the whole Kony 2012 video. Did he have to bring his kid into it? “When I grow up I wanna be like you dad!” Are you fucking serious?! Be wary of anyone who resorts to tactics like that to make you believe something, it is deeply manipulative

But don’t get me wrong, I think uniting people against a man like Kony is a noble cause which is why, in my own way, I’m going to help the cause by making Kony even famouser.

Hold my hand. Let’s save Uganda.













Light the torches and grab a pitchfork.

We all know how this ends Winking smile



Nokia Lumia 800 First Impressions

Nokia-Lumia-800I’m no tech-junkie, but like most guys I get excited by new gadgets and keep an eye on global and local trends when it comes to technology because it’s an inextricable part of our lives.

Having gone to the launch of the Nokia Lumia phones a few weeks back, I was keen to get my hands on a unit and try it out, so the kind folks at Nokia obliged and a review unit was delivered on Friday.

I waited for Saturday to start playing around with the phone and spent a good 4 hours setting it up and trying it out, so here are some of my first impressions of the Lumia 800.

Form Factor

Ahh, form factor. The obligatory first step in any tech review. There isn’t much to say here except that the Lumia is dead sexy, fits comfotrably in the palm of your hand, is solid without being bulky or obtrusive and has a super sleek feel to it thanks to the curved glass touchscreen.

Its smooth one-piece body is completely buttonless except for the volume, lock and camera buttons on the right side of the phone. And speaking of the camera, Nokia made the genius decision to place the camera lens closer to the middle of the phone, thus reducing the risk of gigantic blurry fingers creeping into your pics.



It has 3 touch screen buttons along the bottom of the screen to go back, return to the home screen and search.

I got the cyan handset and I’ll be honest here and admit that the next time I’m in a meeting / hanging out with friends / sitting at home by myself I’ll definitely be whipping that bad boy out and putting it on the table in front of me all nonchalantly whilst silently congratulating myself for being such an awesome guy.


Micro SIM

Like all new generation smartphones, the Lumia 800 uses a micro SIM instead of a normal one, something I found really frustrating when I was playing around with the Nokia N9 because it meant I had to pay R70 to get a micro SIM, do a SIM swap, wait 2 hours for it to go through and then throw my old SIM card away (it’s useless after the SIM swap), only to repeat the entire process in reverse after the review.

This time around I decided not to be a complete douche about it and just cut my normal SIM into a micro SIM using the micro SIM from my iPad as a template and it actually worked.



This came as a big surprise to me as I’d used a Stanley Knife and some hair scissors to do the job and thought I’d definitely botched it completely. Instead I NAILED IT, poured myself a whisky and silently congratulated myself for being such an awesome guy.

Firing it up

The first two things that struck me about the Lumia 800 were the responsiveness of the touch screen and how super-simple the menu navigation is.

You basically work entirely off two screens – your home screen that has all your tiles (these can be anything from apps to websites to calendar entries to email accounts) and the page you swipe right to that lists more tiles you can choose to pin to your homepage.



What I LOVED about the Lumia 800 is that it doesn’t keep every app / tile open in the background when you navigate to different places on the phone.

So when you hold down the back button and it brings up a screen with all your open tasks, unless you’ve been hitting the windows button to shortcut back to your home screen, you should only see one open task window.

Otherwise the back button is really all you need to navigate with. Genius in it’s simplicity!


I’d heard about “people” at the Lumia launch and was dead keen to try this feature of the Windows 7 phone out. The idea is that you start by signing in to all your accounts (Windows Live / Hotmail, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, X-Box Live, etc.) and with each successful sign in, your phone pulls all kinds of information from each account and starts populating your phone with contacts, posts, tweets and emails.

I found the experience completely seamless and surprisingly fun to go through (GeekTiger?). Of course, it will pull duplicate and sometimes triplicate contacts (I save all my friends on my phone SIM under their nicknames, so in some cases I had their Facebook details, their details from my SIM and their email addresses as three separate entries), but it’s dead easy to fix by just linking contacts.

In most cases the Lumia 800 correctly predicted who was who and suggested possible links, which made the whole process even simpler.



Thirty minutes later, a casual scroll through “people” revealed basically every human I’ve ever met in my ENTIRE LIFE, neatly organised with thumbnail pics for each entry. Opening a contact (like my good buddy Action, for example), now gives me the option to call him, SMS him, Facebook chat with him, write on his Facebook wall, mention him on Twitter, send him an email, map his home address, map his work address and visit his website.

It also tells me his job title, when his birthday is and who his “significant other” is, which made the stalker in me do backflips with joy.

Barring his childhood dreams and general philosophy on life, I know pretty much everything about Action now and with three touches can communicate with him in any number of ways.

The one thing that confused me though, and maybe I was being a retard, was that you aren’t given the option to chat with contacts using Gmail. What am I missing here guys? Help SlickRetard please.



That’s all the time we have for today’s Nokia Lumia 800 review. I’ll be writing a whole series of posts as I get into the nuts and bolts of this phone, but my initial impression and user experience has been pretty damn slick.

Which, when you’re SlickTiger, is where it’s at yo.
