Before we jump into this, let it be known that I am stealing this shamelessly from My Modern Met, so big up to them for being so cool about it.
I’m gonna let these illustrations speak for themselves because they are too awesome for words. So yeah, all I’m doing at the moment is rambling for 100 words so that I can nail the intro paragraph.
How many dead babies can you fit in a barrel? 57. How do you get a fat chick in bed? Piece of cake. Why do they call it a “pap smear� Because if they called it a “cunt scrape†no one would go. Aaand we’re good.

What’s even better is you can buy some of these as T-shirts from Threadless so I wouldn’t even fuck around if I were you.
I go out and buy them this very second before your Tiger pal buys up ALL the stock.
How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Depends if the lightbulb WANTS to change.
[SFX: Crickets]
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