So I’m lurking on Twitter the other day, stinking the place up and making a nuisance of myself as usual and I come across this tweet from ol’ @RubyGold (who, on any given day, tweets about 1000 times at a useful:useless shit ratio of roughly 7:3) about an MI5 quiz.
I immediately dropped everything I was doing and hit the link he posted and from what I can tell, it’s legit; MI5 have actually designed an online quiz to test if you got the mad skillz to apply for a job there.
It doesn’t take too long to complete (15 minutes to be exact) but it’s pretty intense. I scored 5 out of a possible 8 points so they were totally fine with me applying for a job on the understanding that I speak to no one about this or a team will be dispatched with Parker-Hale M85 sniper rifles to-
Huh. Someone just smsed me to come to the window, BRB…

In the meantime, here’s the dealy-o about that quiz I mentioned with the link below:
Investigative Challenge:
We have developed a challenge to help you to assess your use of information and analytical skills. The Investigative Challenge has been designed to give you a greater understanding of whether you would enjoy and be well-suited to the MI5 Intelligence Officer role. Although this isn’t a required part of the recruitment process, we strongly encourage you to complete the task as it will help you to assess some of your skills in relation to the job.
The challenge should take you approximately 15 minutes to complete. You will be asked to view a number of written documents and answer some multiple choice questions relating to what you have read. The exercise is designed to broadly reflect some of the situations Intelligence Officers at MI5 are expected to deal with.
Before applying for the Intelligence Officer role, consider how easy or difficult you found completing the challenge. You will find details of the roles for which we are currently recruiting on our Current Jobs page.
Hit that link and lets see if you’re smrater than the Tiger (unlikely)
Scored 8/8 😛 finished it in 2 minutes too^^
however I’m disappointed there are no Intelligence officer jobs going at the moment :L