So I’m on the Ster Kinekor website the other day and I happen to see they’re playing this “exclusive trailer†(whatever the fuck that means) for a new Spider-man movie that’s due for release next year called The Amazing Spider-Man.
Being a fan of the first two Spider-Man movies, I was pretty interested to see what new direction The Amazing Spider-Man would take and who would be in it.
They fucked Venom up completely in Spider-Man 3 so I was really hoping they’d try and redeem themselves and introduce someone badass like Carnage, but they didn’t do that, no. Instead they decided to start the whole thing over from scratch, again!
When this gets released, it will have been exactly ten years since the first Spider-Man starring Toby Maguire came out, are our memory spans really that short?!
Also, say what you will about the third one, but the first two Spider-Man movies were great. They had brilliant action sequences and though he was a bit whiney and cried too much, Toby Maguire did a great job of bringing Peter Parker to life.
He was funny, loveable in a goofy kinda way and he kicked a lot of ass. Remember the train scene in Spider-Man 2? That is still one of my all-time favourite scenes in a Marvel movie. That and the scenes where his powers fuck out and he ends up falling 20 stories and eating pavement.

So why, for the love of sweet, sweet baby Jesus, would you sink a good couple of million dollars into telling the same story we’ve already seen?! Are they going to retell the Green Goblin story as well?!
The trailer hints at some dark secret that seems to involve Parker’s parents, but I seriously doubt it’s going to save what looks to be the biggest snorefest since the jazzy dancing scene that the ‘evil’ Peter Parker tap-dances his way through in Spiderman 3.
Also, and maybe this is just me, but the new Spider-Man doesn’t look funny. That was one of the best moves they made with the first two films, they made them funny because in the comic books Spiderman is a funny, nerdy guy. Not some pouting teen heart-throb who takes himself too seriously.
I dunno. This movie has FAIL written all over it, but watch the trailer below and tell me what you think.
Have a killer weekend party people. See ya on the other side
Yo Slick….
Very interesting article. I have been following this movie very closely…I am happy about the dark route that it is following, however I have read on numerous sites that they are sticking as close to the Ultimate Spiderman Comics as possible…IGN talks about Spideys wit and constant joking in this movie…which is far truer to the character than Tobey was…I am also very happy they ditched Mary Jane, and instead are bringing his first love interest (Gwen Stacy who originally died) to the screen….dude, and they doing the Lizard…Rhys Infans is going to pull it off very well I think and the tone, as said before has promised to make it something far more dark…far more disturbing. Spidey even has his old school web shooters in this one, so I don’t know hey guy…it could be awesome, it could be the same, it could be a load of shit…but I am excited 🙂
Go check out IGN…article is called something along the lines of…”will the next spiderman be truely amazing?”
Off to watch Captain America tonight…awesome…keep it up slick!
Huh, Ultimate Spider-Man you say…?
Ultimate Spider-Man was pretty much the best thing that ever happened to the Spider-Man universe so that’s good news and the Lizzard was a great villian! I judged this totally by the preview though, which looks really weak, but I’ll reserve judgement after reading your comment.
Keep on truckin’!
They can make it darker, as long as they don’t try and make it weepy like Ang Lee’s version of The Hulk.