Archive for July, 2011


Friday Song

Not sure if it’s just me but GODDAMN this week’s dragged on!

In times of strife like these, there’s only one thing to do really and that’s turn to the Bad Rabbits for some funked-up sheeit to make it all better.

The who-what-nows? I hear you say. The Bad Rabbits muthufukkah! Put it in you.






Have a killer weekend party people Winking smile



The Border Between Heaven And Earth

This was going to be a completely different post that I was halfway through writing when my blogging software just decided to up and die on me without even extending the courtesy of auto-saving even one goddamn sentence.

So instead I did what I always do when inspiration fails me, trawl the interwebs for random shit and after a solid three minutes of dicking around, I found something pretty cool.

There’s a place in Bolivia called Salar de’Uyuni which is the world’s largest salt flat.

For most of the year all this means is that the ground is really white and, well, completely flat, BUT during the rainy season the salt flats turn into a fucking gigantic natural mirror, perfectly reflecting the sky above it.

How amazing are these pictures?







I love the way the world can be that way. Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, you discover some crazy place somewhere where the conditions, through a multitude of completely random circumstances, are just right for it to look like paradise.

I’d like to visit this place one day, when this blog site has made me rich and famous, and you’re all invited, every single one of you, on the house, SlickyT’s got it covered Winking smile

One day I tells ya.

We’re all going to Bolivia.



Evil Dead 4 Bitches! It’s Awn!

The Evil Dead series will always have a soft spot in my heart because I was about 16 the first time I saw them and it happened at Woodstock II back in ‘99.

Me and my long-time buddy Ricky T hit the second Woodstock festival in SA on a quiet Thursday morning when hardly anyone was there yet, set up camp badly and proceeded to get as trollied as humanly possible, as you do at rock festivals.



At one stage or another we lost each other (inevitable) and I stumbled around with a blonde girl whose name I don’t even vaguely begin to remember, but I’m pretty sure she was a friend of Ricky T’s.

We found ourselves in this crazy little rondawel at the top of the Heidelberg Aventura resort where Woodstock was happening and there, on a big, old school projection screen was the most messed up movie I’d ever seen.



I was drawn to that shit like a moth to a flame. I lost the blonde halfway through the first Evil Dead, but that didn’t stop me from sitting through it and the strikingly similar sequel until well after sundown, completely engrossed in how simultaneously crap and awesome the movies were.

And now there’s a fourth one in the pipeline, fuck yeah!

Bruce Campbell, who plays the chainsaw / shotgun wielding Ash in all the Evil Dead movies apparently confirmed via twitter that a fourth movie is in the pipeline and what’s rad is they’re making it a ‘small indie thing’ like the first two were.



Dread Central broke the news first, so hit that site for more details.



Short Story: A Visit From Lenny

Lenny came creeping in the bar in a gigantic coat with the collar up and an old baseball cap pulled down so low I barely recognised him.

His head jerked awkwardly as he scanned the room like it was attached to him with a series of gears that were grinding and cracking under the strain.

For a second he looked like he was about to turn tail and bolt back into the street, half the bar was already staring at him, trying to catch a glimpse of his face and see if it looked anywhere near as dirty and destitute as the rest of him.

His nerves got the better of him eventually and he leapt back into the street, disappearing completely into the shadows and the ventilation-shaft smoke.

A minute later, he bounded back through the entrance, crossed the room in a weird half-shuffling, half-skipping motion and perched at the far end of the bar where he fumbled with a box of matches for nearly a full minute and then lit the wrong end of his cigarette.

I finished pouring the draught I was busy with, slid it down the bar counter to Joe and his cronies and went to say hi to Lenny.

“Hi Lenny,” I said.

“Sam!” he replied, “S-Sam, my man, my main man, Sammy-Sam, Calamity Sam, heh heh…”

“You got out?”

“Yep. Yepyepyep. Yessir. Heh. Free’s a bird Sammy-Sam,” he said and lapsed into a violent coughing fit.

“You’re smoking the wrong end, Len. Here,” I said, taking his smoke and showing him, “see?”

“Heh! I see it, I see it man, I see it… S’ok, happens all a the time! All a the time!” he said, laughing apologetically. “Umm… you don’t happen to err…”

“Here,” I said, taking a smoke from my pocket and lighting it for him. He took it from me delicately, with the fingers from both his hands, like he was holding a tiny recorder or a flute or something.

He smoked for a bit and chewed his thumb nail horizontally between his two front teeth. I watched him cast anxious, jerky glances over his shoulder at every person in the bar. Not one of them so much as took a sip without Lenny’s skittish eyes fixing on them.

“You got a plan this time Len?” I asked him.

“Hm?” he said, his attention snapping back on me.

“You got a plan?”

“Ooh I gotta plan Sammy, I gotta plan you bet your fucking ass I gotta plan,” he said and laughed nervously, “I been hearing stories, everyone saying the same things, all a them, which makes it true.”

“What stories?”

Lenny suddenly grew quiet. He cast a quick jerky glance over his shoulder and leaned in a little closer.

“Big Bad stories,” Lenny said, “Big Bad stories.”

“Ah Jesus Len,” I said.

“Nononono Sammy, you don’t understand!”

I looked at Lenny, his fucking eyes twitching, red as road maps and sunken deep, too deep into their black sockets. I looked at his motley beard, uneven from the hairs he’d either pulled out or twisted into hard knots all over his starved, pallid face. His cracked lips, his yellowing teeth, his fin-bone nose.

I looked at Lenny, my oldest friend, but I barely recognised him.

“They said you were getting better,” I said.

“I am! Much, much, much, much better! Better ‘nuff to pull the ol’ switcheroo, the ol’ Cansas City shuffle and get the fucking FUCK outta there Sammy-Sam!”

“Alright Lenny, calm down.”

“Better ‘nuff to give em the slip, heh heh! Because I think…” Lenny suddenly grew serious, “there’s truth in the stories, Sam. Really. I do.”

I’d regret it later, but I had to know.

“What stories?” I asked.

Lenny leaned closer.

“There’s a guy in there. Santos. Hardly fuckin’ speaks a WORD!” Lenny said, spitting a little in my eye. “But he speaks to me. When the others aren’t watching and they switch the bugs off, y’know?”

I nodded.

“WELL! Turns out he knows, Sammy! He knows about Big Bad! Where he comes from! Says he worked for his fucking family! His fucking family! When Big Bad was just a fucking kid Sammy!”

“Lenny, I’m calling the bin, I’m sorry…”

“Nononononononono! Sammy! Wait!” Lenny said, gripping my arm, “Don’t do that, please, don’t.”

Something in his voice made me stop. I turned to look at Lenny, he’d stopped shaking and twitching. His eyes had stopped rolling around endlessly in his skull and there was a tiny glimmer, underneath the broken shell sitting across the bar, of my old friend.

“I’m going there,” he said to me with total and utter conviction, “I’m going to find his family.”

“And that’s going to make it better?” I asked him and no sooner had I said the words than he exploded with shrill, manic laughter.

“What do YOU think Sammy-Sam! Heh heh heh heh, what the fuck DO YOU THINK?!”

He stubbed his cigarette and pulled his collar back up, his head jerking as he scanned the room one last time.

“I’m getting better Sammy-Sam,” he said, “not much longer and I’ll be the old Leonard we all used to love.”

“Goodbye Lenny,” I said, but he’d already taken off disappearing like smoke into the smoke.


*                    *                    *                    *                    *                      *                    *                    *


I went home after that, drank half a bottle of grain whisky and tried to pass out, but sleep wouldn’t come.

I couldn’t shake Lenny from my mind, babbling like they all do about the place Big Bad comes from and how they know someone who knows someone who swears they knew Big Bad when he was a kid, harmless as any other, climbing trees, scraping his knees, making mud pies.

They’re stories told by babbling idiots, wretched basterds that all have one thing in common: what Big Bad did to them.

So they make up stories about the man, a hundred different kinds of bullshit and they hang for everything it’s worth onto the last shreds of sanity they have left because they can’t bare the truth.

That he has no family. No past. Not even a real name.

That we have it on pretty good authority that Big Bad was spat straight out of hell onto this Earth a thousand, thousand years ago and will exist for a thousand thousand more.

But it’s not that thought that keeps me up. I’m too old and powerless to ever be of any interest to a man like Big Bad.

It’s the memory of how I found Lenny, holding them to him, his head buried in the bloodied curls of their blond hair.




How Awesome Was The Weekend?

If you live in Cape Town and didn’t love the shit out of this last weekend, I would seriously recommend moving somewhere else.

It was glorious. The sun beamed down on a city full of happy Capetonians and people flocked to the beaches that surround us, J-Rab and I included.

We drove down to Clifton late afternoon yesterday and dipped our toes in the water (it’s still fucking freezing, so no surprises there).

We found a gigantic rock and climbed right to the top of it and took these pics:




It was a good weekend, I think we all needed to feel the sunshine again, even if it was just for a few days.

Walking along the beach yesterday as dusk approached, this overwhelming feeling washed over me like everything is going to be ok.

Whatever troubles we’re going through and whatever battles we’re fighting, I think we’re going to overcome them and be all the stronger for it and ready to take on the next wave of challenges.

Living is for the brave, that’s for damn sure and it can be fucking brutal at times but once in awhile the universe rewards you with a weekend like the one we just had, a reminder that everything’s going to be ok.



I hope your weekend was as restful and full of good times as mine was and I hope that you, like me, feel recharged and ready to fight on.



It’s Friday. Here Are Hot Chicks.

I know this is usually Dan Nash’s thing (sorry charna, not ripping you off homes, just too damn lazy to actually write anything worth reading) but it’s been a long-ass week and I’d rather be vegetating right now than using my brain.

Still though I feel like I owe you guys, my loyal readers, something worth reading / gawking at.

So here ya go, enjoy Winking smile







Have a killer weekend party people Winking smile



The Highest I’ve Ever Been In My Goddamned Life

Compared to some, my drug rap sheet is pretty average.

A little this and that while I was at varsity, the same stuff everyone’s tried (except for the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds – I’m probably the only person dumb enough to ever try those…), a few nights and days of rampant infectious craziness but that was it, I cashed out before I got in over my head and I’m fucking glad about that.

But ironically, the highest I’ve ever been came after that period in my life on a quiet summer evening when I was shot so full of drugs I slipped into a waking coma and emerged from it feeling like some kind of Messiah descended from heaven, God’s own son, sent to save the world by just loving everyone and everything in it with all my being.



It was the gentlest comedown I’ve ever experienced, even the vomiting was pleasant, and it all started on the shoreline in Blouberg with me half drunk in my cousin’s wetsuit, wondering what the hell I was doing in the ball-shrivellingly cold Atlantic waters instead of back at the house getting drunker…


*                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *


“Don’t look so nervous,” my cousin said as we waded out to body board on a quiet Sunday afternoon in November.

“Heh heh, yeah,” I said, nervously, “what’s the worst that could happen right? It’s only water…” which, in retrospect, was a seriously retarded thing to say.

Fate loves statements like that. They rate right up there with “Russian winter, pffffttttt” and “can withstand a collision with a Boeing 707”.



I was 30 metres from shore, gripping my board clumsily with my right arm and paddling with my left when I felt my shoulder tear clean out of its socket.

That, doctors will tell you, is what happens if you dislocate your shoulder enough times. Even the slightest exertion when your arm is above shoulder-level can result in a dislocation.

I’d managed to dislocate my left shoulder four times prior to my misguided attempt at body boarding that day, which made me about as loosey-goosey as you can get in the shoulder department.

The first three times were pretty minor and I managed to get my arm back in by myself, but the fourth time fucked me. I ended up getting driven to Sandton Clinic so a doctor could pop it back in. They did such a great job I was convinced it would never pop out again.

“Dude…” I remember mumbling to my cousin, already feeling a little woozy from the pain, “dude!”


“I’m going back man.”

“Why? You haven’t even caught a wave yet!”

“I dislocated my arm.”

“Hahahaha!” my cousin replied.

“No, for real.”

“Um. How is that even possible?”

“I’ve done it before so much, my whole shoulder’s fucked. I’m going back,” I said stoically and started paddling lamely with my other arm, the one the body board was still attached to.

“Ok, do you need some help…?” my cousin offered reluctantly.

“No, I’m fine,” I replied, “I got this… I’ll just let the waves, *hhnnggg* carry me back…”

Twenty minutes of half hearted doggy-paddling-whilst-grinding-my-teeth-through-every-wave-that-hit-me later my toes finally felt sand and I was able to hold my board against my stomach like a shelf which I used to rest my left arm on.

My shoulder felt like it was packed full of broken glass, here’s a pic to help you with that mental image:



Luckily my other two cousin’s wives, The Amazon and Sunshine were sitting on the beach watching us.

I explained what had happened as nonchalantly as possible and before I knew it they bundled me up in the back of someone’s 4×4 with a glass of straight vodka and ice.

“Thanks, but I think I’ll just sit quietly in the back and focus on not throwing up from the pain,” I said, joking and not joking at the same time.

“Just take it,” Sunshine said, “you’ll thank me later.”

I gulped half the vodka down exactly thirty seconds later as we pulled, bouncing, out of the driveway.

I gulped the other half down about 1.5km down the road when we hit the first speed bump. After that I just chewed the ice and when that was finished, contemplated chewing the glass.

The thing about a dislocated shoulder is the longer it’s dislocated for, the more painful it gets. Your nerve endings start feeling like frayed ropes as you slowly go whiter and whiter, pouring sweat like a fat man on a hot day.



The fun was just starting though. At Blouberg they got me onto a hospital bed and wheeled me off to stick a drip into me, but there was only one problem.

“Ok, we’re going to have to take your wetsuit off,” said the nurse.


“We can’t put a drip in your neck sir, it has to go in your arm,” she replied coolly.


“I can’t just guess where the vein is sir, we have to take the wetsuit off or we can’t administer anything for the pain.”


“Just breathe sir, this will all be over soon…” she said with the sincerity of a Nazi death camp warden.

At that stage, I think peeling off my actual skin would’ve been easier to handle.



The pain ripped like a chainsaw through my shoulder as she pulled the wetsuit off my upper body. I bit down so hard I thought my teeth would crack and kicked the heel of my bare foot hard against the cold steel hospital bed over and over, welcoming any kind of distraction, no matter how fleeting, from the white-hot pain that was burning like fucking lava inside me.

I remember the sweat burning in my eyes. I remember the delicious sting of the needle for the drip going into my right arm. I remember the milky-white solution they shot into me, and then…

I remember nothing.

Sweet, sweet nothing…


*                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *


When I started coming round again I looked all around me in total wonder, my pupils big enough to park a bus in.

It was the future, I knew this because everything around me was white and shiny and clean and quiet and nothing like the past at all. I had travelled probably 1000 years into the future.

On closer inspection though, it wasn’t all that futuristic. There was still a normal-looking clock on the wall above the door and other familiar things too. No, this wasn’t the future, that wasn’t right.

Then I saw the machines and felt the oxygen mask over my mouth and knew exactly what had happened.

I had been turned into a fucking robot!


I was like the Six Million Dollar Man! I could run fast as a fucking racecar and jump over buildings and shit!

I started laughing at how fucking awesome things had turned out for me. Even the doctors and nurses walking past the ward where I was chilling were poking their heads in the room, looking at me and smiling.

This, I later found out, had nothing to do with me becoming a robot. This was because the milky-white stuff they shot me full of had produced a cataclysmic reaction the second it hit my blood stream.

Convinced I was cured, I had gotten off the hospital bed, pulled my drip out and had started walking out of the ward. I was apparently shoving nurses off me left right and centre with my good arm which was probably when they decided to bring out the big guns.

“You’re like an ox,” Sunshine told me later, “they had to inject you full of morphine twice to get you to calm down.”



Three minutes later I was being wheeled through the hospital singing “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE BA, BA-DA-DA-DAAAAAA!” at the top of my lungs and pointing at the nurses and doctors around me, one by one, and telling them that I loved them.

“HOSPITAL IS AWESOME!” I shouted, in between bouts of hysterical, euphoric laughter, “I FUCKING LOVE IT HERE!”

It was sheer insanity. I think I know what it feels like to be on heroin because they had doped me up to my fucking eyeballs on morphine, dormicum and whatever that milky stuff was they first shot me full of.

When they eventually got me up to walk me home, I just stood on the spot and laughed myself silly because I couldn’t walk at all.

It wasn’t like being drunk and staggering all over the place, that’s a symptom of your mind knowing exactly how to walk and your body point-blank refusing to follow orders.

My mind couldn’t remember how to walk. I just stood there, completely baffled, not even knowing where to begin getting my legs to move left right left right. After what felt like three hours of everyone standing around me frowning while I pissed myself laughing, they put me in a wheelchair and helped me into the car.



The drive back was a damn side better than the drive there except for this curious sensation that was welling up under my tongue and making me feel not so great.

I managed not to chunder until after my cousins helped me out the car, but my god did it feel amazing. I know that’s probably really disgusting to read, but it honestly felt like every bad thing was coming out of me and when it was over I remember floating up the driveway and into my cousin’s house where I spent the next five hours sitting in the same spot on the couch in the living room practically drooling on my chest while the family watched Carte Blanche, the 8pm movie and then one by one went to bed.

They had to hold a glass for me while I sipped water through a straw because my first attempt at drinking ended with the glass in my lap and a goofy, cross-eyed smile on my face.

Every time my cousin lit a smoke the universe stopped so I could watch the fire molecules twist, bend and break in the soft, lamp-lit room. I watched endless hours of TV that made no fucking sense whatsoever, which was right about the time when I realised I might not be a robot, just a very, very stoned human being.

I don’t remember going to bed but the next day I woke up feeling 100% fine. I apologised to my family for everything, but they were having none of it.

“That’s the most entertaining night I’ve had in years,” The Amazon said to me the next morning, “you really should visit more often.”

“I should,” I said smiling, “but next time I’m sharing the drugs. That was hands down the best goddamn high OF MY LIFE!”

Hospital drugs, boys and girls, are the best fucking drugs on the planet. No wonder so many doctors take them, who the fuck wouldn’t?!

Good times I tell ya.

Good, good times Winking smile



Treefiddy Review: Foster The People – Torches

The Down Lizzo

Think of Foster The People as the happier, more carefree younger brother of MGMT. Both bands blend guitar and drum parts with thick, syrupy synth melodies and dreamy, echoey vocals, but where MGMT has a tendency to wade out into deeper, darker waters, Foster The People stays with both feet firmly planted on the bubble gum pink shores of indie pop.


Torches is as safe as a hug from your mom and is exactly the kind of album you’d expect from someone who, prior to starting the band, wrote jingles for TV ads.

Expect these songs to creep into at least a dozen of your favourite TV shows and be used to sell everything from Apple products to trendy sneakers because despite what you probably think I’m about to say, this album is pretty damn good.


Sick Tracks

By the time they’ve hit the second chorous on “Pumped Up Kicks” you’re already singing it whilst tapping your foot to the wonky bassline as it floats out the speakers and directly into your brain. Frontman Mark Foster’s vocals couldn’t be more chilled as he mumble/sings his way through this indie pop anthem with a voice that sounds like the more stoned version of Maroon 5’s Adam Levine.

“Call It What You Want” is a melting pot of funky synth sounds with a piano melody that could be stolen straight from the Four Seasons track “December 1963 (Oh, What A Night)”. It’s a carefree, dancefloor filler that’s about as edgy as a spoon and as badass as the time you went to bed without brushing your teeth.

“Don’t Stop (Colour On The Walls)” comes on like an early Beck song – tinny guitar strumming, redneck yodelling and more kooky synth blips and bleeps that sound like the mothership could land at any minute. Then the chorous hits and the song hooks you hard and fast and reminds you that despite all appearances, these guys know exactly what they’re doing and they’re doing it well.


Should You Give A Shit?

This album is what it is: a surprisingly well-written and catchy collection of indie pop tunes that won’t offend, shock or challenge anyone.

It’s packed full of great hooks, clap-your-hands-and-dance-around carefree summer melodies and chorouses that bounce inside your head for days.

This album could very well become the soundtrack to many, many a great party and for that reason, and the fact that I can appreciate good pop music for what it is, I give Torches the Tiger Stamp Of Approval.

Here’s “Don’t Stop (Colour On The Walls)” so you can judge for yourself.



Final Verdict: 7/10



Okes Who Like To Klap It #3 – Boychay On A Beach (NSFW)

Hazit charnas!

SlickTiger here with more pictures of OKES WHO LIKE TO KLAP IT!

Now I know what you’re probably thinking about the following oke who likes to klap it because trust me, I’m thinking the SAME FLIPPIN’ THING – it’s a bit flippin GAY to pose kaalgat for pictures on a beach, but FUCK OKES!

Can you seriously BLAME this charna?! Check out his flippin MASSIVE AND RIPPED QUADS BRU! The oke’s BUFF, so he likes to walk kaalgat on the beach, so what?!



A oke like that can flippin MOER you with a look ma boychay, a look like the one in this picture.



A oke like this has 1000% DEDICATION and that’s what I like to see. You won’t find this oke sitting on his bladdy arse eating chips and watching Sewende Laan, no.

This charna is in the gym twice EVERY DAY, eating weights for breakfast, lunch and supper and experimenting with DANGEROUS BOVINE GROWTH HORMONES that seem to have had some kind of funny effect on his pecs…

But none the less, I think we can take our backwards gym cap off to this PROPPER BOYCHAY, this BUFF CHARNA and say BOET! You’ve KLAPPED IT!

Until next time!



Dark Side Of The Lens

I’ve never surfed in my life but I don’t think you have to have surfed to appreciate this video.

I don’t know if it’s new or old and I’m sorry if you’ve seen it before but it’s one of the most powerful videos I’ve seen in a long time.

Nothing else I write about this can really do it any justice. So let’s cut to the chase already.


