The Evil Dead series will always have a soft spot in my heart because I was about 16 the first time I saw them and it happened at Woodstock II back in ‘99.
Me and my long-time buddy Ricky T hit the second Woodstock festival in SA on a quiet Thursday morning when hardly anyone was there yet, set up camp badly and proceeded to get as trollied as humanly possible, as you do at rock festivals.

At one stage or another we lost each other (inevitable) and I stumbled around with a blonde girl whose name I don’t even vaguely begin to remember, but I’m pretty sure she was a friend of Ricky T’s.
We found ourselves in this crazy little rondawel at the top of the Heidelberg Aventura resort where Woodstock was happening and there, on a big, old school projection screen was the most messed up movie I’d ever seen.

I was drawn to that shit like a moth to a flame. I lost the blonde halfway through the first Evil Dead, but that didn’t stop me from sitting through it and the strikingly similar sequel until well after sundown, completely engrossed in how simultaneously crap and awesome the movies were.
And now there’s a fourth one in the pipeline, fuck yeah!
Bruce Campbell, who plays the chainsaw / shotgun wielding Ash in all the Evil Dead movies apparently confirmed via twitter that a fourth movie is in the pipeline and what’s rad is they’re making it a ‘small indie thing’ like the first two were.

Dread Central broke the news first, so hit that site for more details.
My dear Tiger, if you get a chance, you need to listen to the commentary by Bruce on ED1 and ED2. It really is the most brilliant commentary and it is remarkable how much he remembers.
Tara, long time!
Thought I’d lost you in the transision from the old site to the new, good to have you back.
Will listen to the commentary. Mr Campbell is a funny fucking guy, did you ever read “If Chins Could Kill: Confessions Of A B Movie Actor?” A buddy of mine has it, it’s Campbell’s autobiography, apparently it’s a hoot.
I shoulda been a B-grade actor, they have all the fun…
Yes! It’s brilliant! I love me some Campbell honestly. Him and Shatner, only weird looking old dudes I’d still fuck. But only if they kept me laughing.
I’ve been here, just lurking 😉 Work declared a jihad on how much typing I do in short sentences – the blatant twitter messages and comments that clearly mean I’m not working so I’ve been mostly a reader everywhere. Be prepared for this to change my dear, you’ll long for the good old days of silence.
Hate to burst your bubble, turns out the Evil Dead movie in the work is gonna be a remake, script being rewriten by Diablo Cody (of Juno and Jeniffers body fame, bangs head against wall). Yeah, got super excited too before my dreams were shattered.
Those Woodstock movies were great, the one 2000 introduced me to Peter Jackson’s Bad Taste (pre LOTR, made me track down that and Braindead years later on DVD, huge favourites and highly recomended for fans of The Evil Dead).
Ah, fuck that. That’s bullshit. The fucking guy who wrote Juno rewriting Evil Dead? No. I won’t stand for it. Hand me my boomstick…
Thanks for the comment though, good to know there’s other crazy basterds out there who went to the early Woodstock festivals and read this site.
Stop by anytime 😉